Turning Off “Keep Hands on the Steering wheel” In 4 Easy Steps
As technology advances, the car has a feature to ensure the driver keeps their hands on the steering wheel. This system has sensors in the steering wheel. It works on a touch detection mechanism. It starts buzzing when the driver removes their hands from the steering wheel.
It’s a very advanced feature in the perspective of car safety and can prevent accidents. But sometimes, the sensor “keeps hands on the steering wheel” does not work properly, and it indicates the alert in the red light form or the alarm tune even driver keeps their hands on the steering wheel.
Many car drivers feel annoyed by this alert beep and want to turning off keep hands on the steering wheel to calm their driver. If you are one of those, who want to turn off the keep hands on steering wheel feature, you are on the right page.
Turning off the keep hands on the steering requires a few minutes. Let’s discuss the process.
4 Steps to Turn It Off Keep Your Hands on the Steering Wheel:
You can turn it off and keep your hands on the steering wheel in simple 4 steps, but you must know that every car has its specification system. There is a slight change in the process for every car model.
Here we will explain some general steps that help you disable the keep hands on steering wheel feature.
1. Check the Car’s Manual:
Every car model has a slightly different way to turn off this feature. Before changing the setting, look at your car manual for an exact process.

If you don’t have your car manual, you can find it online. All car companies have their complete manual free of cost on their websites. For your assistance, I am providing you a link where primarily all car manuals are available.
2. Locate the Feature of Keeping Hands on the Steering Wheel in the Menu:
The “Keep Hands on Steering Wheel” warning alarm is in the car’s settings or safety features menu. To access this menu, turn on your car’s engine and navigate to the settings or safety features section on the car’s touchscreen or dashboard display. Navigate the option labeled “Keep Hands on Steering Wheel.”

3. Turn off the feature:
When you find the “keep hands on steering wheel” feature in the menu settings, you have to turn off this feature. Save the settings and exit the menu.
Also Read: Why Can I Feel the Road Through the Steering Wheel?
4. Test the Alert:
After disabling this warning alarm, it is necessary to test whether the process is successful or not. Start driving, and during the driving, remove your hands from the steering wheel for a few seconds. If there is no alert, you have disabled the feature successfully.
It is the exact way to disable this feature, but if you still face the issue, you can also try the alternative method.
An Alternative Method to Turn Off the “Keep Hands on the Steering Wheel”:
Many car drivers mentioned their experience with this advanced “keep hands on steering wheel” feature.
Some of the code is that you can eliminate the keep hands on steering wheel feature by turning off the lane-keeping system.

If you are still facing the same issue, you can try this one, too. But it is only recommended sometimes because your lane-keeping system is also turned off this way.
The “Keep Hands on Steering Wheel” alert is an essential safety feature for drivers. It helps you to prevent some serious accidents. Try to drive by keeping this feature on.
But, if it is bothering you, you can disable it by navigating the “keep hands on the steering wheel “feature in the settings bar and turning it off.
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